
Calming Myself When My Child Is Angry With Me, And I’m Angry With My Child

Larissa Dann

Parent anger. I teach parenting to groups of parents, I’ve listened to parents’ stories on helplines, I’ve read parents’ pleas for ideas on Facebook pages. A common thread of discussion is ‘How do I deal with my anger? How do I stop the yelling?’

I am passionate about a particular peaceful approach to being a parent, because I have a structure that helps me be a better parent. Over and over again, I hear from parents who say they yell less and have a calmer household, after implementing the skills of peaceful parenting (via Parent Effectiveness Training, PET).

The Privilege Of Keeping Watch Over A Dying Parent (And Grandparent)

Larissa Dann

As my mother lay dying, my children sat with her, talked to her, reminisced with her, read to her, sang to her, played her favourite music, held her hand.There was no question that they would not be as involved with her death, as they had been with her life.

This is my story of honouring my mother’s final days.

Wake Up! It's Five-Thirty! Seeing The Fun Through Our Babies' Eyes. (a poem)

Larissa Dann

A reflection on a moment in time for parents of a young baby.
(I make no pretensions at being a poet.  This was just fun to write!)
Five thirty - a.m. - says the clock
I'm five months old, and it's time to wake!
I'm ready to play now - make no mistake!

When My Baby Sprouts A Beard. The Bitter-Sweet Of Waving ‘Good Luck’ To My Child Moving Overseas.


I gaze at my son across the table. His lean face concentrates on the screen in front of him, the lower half of his face covered carefully in just-the-right-length male fuzz. He looks up and his blue eyes pierce mine, trusting and innocent in their expectations of our relationship. His tenor voice fills me in on the current difficulty he is having booking a flight.

My child. My boy. My young man. My son.

I am as awed now as when I first met this person newly emerged from my body.

My Baby.

My Phone and Me - A Story of Despair and Discovery

Why are my children always on their phone? Why can't they just put the phone down and read a book?  I'll never understand their need for their devices!

These were my constant thoughts and frustrations with my children and their phones.

That is, until the day I lost my own smart phone. Then I discovered my own frightening depth of attachment to this inanimate object.

The Hardest Lesson: Helping Our Young Ones Learn From Their Mistakes

Larissa Dann

How often have we found ourselves gritting our teeth when our child says:

‘It wasn’t my fault’?

‘It wasn’t my fault that the last piece of chocolate smeared itself all over my face.’

‘It wasn’t my fault that those pretty pictures suddenly appeared on the lounge chair’

'It wasn't my fault that the dishes piled up in my room - you just expect me to do everything!'

Frustrating, huh?

Parenting Without Rewards or Punishment. Podcast with Larissa Dann.

Wondering whether it really is possible to bring up responsible, caring children without using rewards and punishment?  Or what you can do to help you and your children have a mutually respectful, peaceful relationship? Listen to this podcast by Casey O'Roarty of Joyful Courage, where Casey and I discuss practical parenting skills and examples, and why avoiding punishment and rewards is beneficial in the long term.

In this podcast, I share my experience of raising my children with the skills and principles of Parent Effectiveness Training (PET), supplemented by feedback from parents who have attended my PET classes.

Fathers Participating In Parenting Groups

By Larissa Dann. 9 April, 2017

Dads (fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and foster parents) have a reputation for not attending parenting classes.  My experience as a parent educator, however, belies this stereotyping of men as reluctant starters in learning how to parent. I’ve found fathers attending my courses to be enthusiastic advocates of the skills and approach in Parent Effectiveness Training (PET), even writing testimonials on the effect of the course on their lives.

‘One Day’ May Be Too Late. Why We Need To Thank Our Friends And Family Now.

By Larissa Dann.  5th April, 2017.

A week before writing this blog, a dear friend of mine died suddenly and unexpectedly. Her death has shaken me to my core.

As I sat writing for her memorial service, I read and re-read my final paragraph.

‘Thank you.  For everything.  For being your complex self, and a supportive friend. I’m so sorry I never thought to say this to you earlier.  Thank you.’


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