by Larissa Dann Blog post 10th November 2015 (updated 6th December, 2016). Adapted from ‘Sorting Sibling Squabbles’
At the end of my son’s pre-school year, his teacher came up to have a chat.
“Larissa” she said “Normally, my assistant and I spend a lot of time in the cubby house sorting out squabbles between children. This year, we spent much less time dealing with fighting children. We discovered that your son was mediating the arguments. We watched him say things like “Do you have any ideas about how you both can be happy?” and then the children would get on and play”.
You could have knocked me down with a feather! At that time, my son was the only child of a single mother. I was a big fan of Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.), and was attempting to use these gentle parenting skills with him, as often as possible. The skills included no-lose (win-win) conflict resolution.
This blog helps you develop the peace making capacities of children.